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Kokoomus.fi / european union

european union


Petteri Orpo: Kokoo­mus propo­ses to exclude Fidesz from the EPP

Mr. Petteri Orpo, Leader of Kansal­li­nen Kokoo­mus – the Natio­nal Coali­tion Party in Finland, has sent a letter to the


Petteri Orpo: We chose the side of democ­racy

Petteri Orpon puhe Brys­se­lin Kansal­lis­seu­ran Kokoo­mus 100 -gaalassa. Vice Presi­dent, Secre­tary Gene­ral, Members and Friends of Brys­se­lin Kansal­lis­seura Thank you for this


Petteri Orpo: EU should be the leader of sustai­nable deve­lop­ment

Speech at the EPP Congress Novem­ber 8th 2018. Chan­ges possible while spea­king “Europe must take more respon­si­bi­lity of its own

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