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We are National Coali­tion Party

Munic­i­pal Elec­tions

Kokoomus sees a lot of oppor­tu­ni­ties in munic­i­pal­i­ties. When it comes to local matters, we believe that the resi­dents of munic­i­pal­i­ties are the best experts. What we just need is people who are will­ing to act to come onboard! 

County Elec­tions

Kokoomus wants the regions to succeed in their tasks and is will­ing to take the neces­sary deci­sions to achieve this. 

Better services can only be achieved by taking action.  



County Elec­tion Program of National Coali­tion Party 2025

In social, health, and rescue services, one goal stands above all: people must receive the help they need as quickly


Munic­i­pal Elec­tion Program 2025 of the National Coali­tion Party

Munic­i­pal­i­ties are respon­si­ble for most of the deci­sions that govern how our every­day life and future look like: chil­dren and


National Coali­tion Party’s EU elec­tion program 2024

Where there is the EU, there is oppor­tu­nity. A strong Euro­pean Union means a stronger, inde­pen­dent Finland EU member­ship strength­ens

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