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Kokoomus.fi / Munici­pal elec­tions 2021


Stand for munici­pal elec­tion in 2021

The most profound deci­sions about our every­day lives are made in munici­pa­li­ties, our nearest commu­ni­ties. After the COVID-19 pande­mic we are going to face a huge task of rebuil­ding the basis for our well-being. Now more than ever, we are going to need respon­sible deci­sion-makers and new ideas. Would you like to be a part of your home areas future?

Why should you consi­der candi­dacy?

We stand for free and respon­sible society. We want that people have the oppor­tu­nity to be at their best and live the life they have chosen.

The closer to people the deci­sions are made, the easier it is for our every­day life and living envi­ron­ment to evolve to be suitable for every­one of us . That is why we are going to need righ­teous deci­sion-makers to every munici­pa­lity and city here in Finland. We have been working for better society for over a century, now is your turn.

For these things we have said YES before:

YES for world’s best educa­tion where there is enough time to teach and arouse childrens curio­sity.

YES for fluent every­day life. The basis for the fluent every­day life is made of a good nursery near home, flexible visi­ting hours to ante­na­tal clinic and soundly desig­ned living envi­ron­ment. Stop­ping for grocery store or going to ones hobbies should not require endless sitting in a car.

YES for respon­sible economy. Do not count your chic­ken before they’ve hatc­hed – with discipli­ned and good industrial- and emplo­y­ment policy we are able to gain growth and build the basis for all well-being.

YES for reaso­nable munici­pal tax. The only way to make adap­ta­tions to the economy can’t be taking more money from the people – there needs to be a path for main­tai­ning public utili­ties and services for more efficient way.

YES for culture. All culture and cultu­ral acti­vi­ties are impor­tant for people and are needed as a public service. We see all cultu­ral acti­vi­ties equally impor­tant: from libra­ries to museums and from theat­res to people’s own partici­pa­tion and enga­ge­ment.

YES for free­dom of choice and shor­ter queues at local commu­nity health center. The utmost impor­tant thing is that when one needs care, one must get it right away. If it is not possible to get the care at the right time, we want for people to have a service vouc­her that can be used to get the needed care from private health care service provi­ders.

YES for effort­less mobi­lity. We do not see public trans­por­ta­tion and private car use as mutually exclusive. One should be able to equally use public trans­por­ta­tion services, one’s own car or bicycle as a means of trans­por­ta­tion. Emis­sions origi­na­ting from trans­por­ta­tion should be reduced by inves­ting to rail­roads and giving support for renewal of cars to low- or zero-emis­sion vehicles.

YES for the oppor­tu­nity for every­one to be able to afford a decent and good home. This goal requi­res diverse in the deve­lop­ment and construc­tion of a city or munici­pa­lity.

YES for attrac­tive and safe living envi­ron­ment. When people gather to orga­nise events, work parties or give neigh­bourly help, one can fall in love with one’s home­town. This is exactly what we want: people to feel safe and have a good commu­nity spirit. Safety and natu­ral attrac­tion come from small, but neces­sary things like decent ligh­ting in the streets, super­vi­sed bathing beac­hes or parks that are being taken care of.

YES for deve­lop­ment and invest­ments. We do not certainly ask how to stop things from happe­ning, but we embrace the change and ask how we could be of assis­tance to get things done. The life force of a commu­nity does not come from munici­pa­li­ty’s admi­ni­stra­tion, it comes from the people.

YES for sports. We want that all faci­li­ties for sports are taken care of and sport club acti­vi­ties are thri­ving. To get people to do sports requi­res co-opera­tion from sport clubs, socie­ties and people. We think that private compa­nies, clubs and socie­ties are a good compa­nions to one anot­her.

YES for ratio­nal climate policy and conser­ving our habi­tat. Nature needs to be passed on for later gene­ra­tions in better shape than we recei­ved it. We are keen on finding more efficient and right­ful solu­tions for example to produce energy and heating – we do not want to argue over cont­ro­versy on contents of your dinner plate.

YES for close-by nature. Even the smal­lest piece of forrest near resi­den­tial areas can cheer up both us humans and our belo­ved pets. Each of us should have the possi­bi­lity to take a breath in a near-by forrest or natio­nal park.

YES for exper­tise and know­ledge in thorough prepa­ra­tion. We rely heavily on officials and their exper­tise. Every deci­sion we make is based on facts and reflec­ted through our values.

YES for inter­na­tio­nal co-opera­tion. The cities are in the race over experts, compa­nies’ headquar­ters, tourists and invest­ments. We want that each and every munici­pa­lity and city will be a plausible option for inter­na­tio­nal experts to come to study, to work on science, to work in gene­ral and to start busi­nes­ses.

We say YES to the industrious. 

Both cities and munici­pa­li­ties are exactly our own reflec­tion. We make them. Our well-being is based on people who stand up for each other, dare to dream and are not afraid of taking respon­si­bi­lity. Sign up for candi­dacy – we want to help you in your way to beco­ming a local influencer and to get elec­ted as a city council­lor.

Being a part of munici­pal poli­tics is the best way to make a diffe­rence.

After being a city coun­sel­lor for one elec­to­ral period I have lear­ned a lot. My commit­ment to common matters has reac­hed even higher level after this expe­rience.

Perhaps for me as an indi­vi­dual, the best things have been finding new connec­tions and beco­ming friends with new people after working hard toget­her.

I could not fore­see all these good things the moment I signed up for elec­tion. Looking back I could say, that moment was one of the best moments in my life.

Hanna Haipus, Oulu
Master of Science in Engi­nee­ring

I used to work as a doctor in Tanza­nia for four years in the 80’s. The funda­ments of my thin­king are still based on that expe­rience: am I doing things the right way?

How could the system be in the best service of people with reaso­nable costs? I have been looking for answers to these ques­tions my whole working career. To get answers have crea­ted an urge to keep my focus on social welfare and healthcare. What I lear­ned in Tanza­nia is still valid, even though the circums­tances are diffe­rent here in Finland.

Munici­pal elec­tions are impor­tant because this is the level where we can really make the change regar­ding our well-being. I want to empha­sise the impor­tance of know­ledge in deci­sion-making and bearing the respon­si­bi­lity for econo­mic carrying capacity and co-opera­tion in every level.

Olli-Pekka Ryynä­nen, Kuopio
Emeri­tus Profes­sor of Gene­ral Prac­tice, Univer­sity of Eastern Finland

In these elec­tions you can really make a diffe­rence and should be consi­de­red very impor­tant.

I wanted to do things diffe­rently and that was the reason behind my deci­sion to sign up for candi­dacy. On my expe­rience, I could tell that there were ways to make things diffe­rently: more efficiently, more reaso­nably.

As a young local council­lor I can see things from a diffe­rent pers­pec­tive and that is why young people are needed to sign up for candi­dacy. Best thing as being a local council­lor is the feeling when I can carry through somet­hing. Local poli­tics will chal­lenge you every day.

Mikael Ropo, Pori
CEO, entrepre­neur

Because I was tired of watc­hing people that were alie­na­ted from every day life being our local council­lors I took part in poli­tics.

I wanted to have more commons sense in deci­sion-making and make things better for young people and children.

For 12 years I have made a diffe­rence on my behalf in local poli­tics and I am still very eager to conti­nue in this path. You can really carry through good things. On my motion we deci­ded in Jyväs­kylä to give summer job vouc­hers for young people to make it easier to find summer jobs.

These elec­tions are impor­tant: one choo­ses the people to repre­sent you to make good deci­sions about things that have the most influence in our every­day life. To make good deci­sions one needs to have grass-roots level exper­tise. People are wanted and needed to partici­pate on local poli­tics – you and me.

Katja Isomöt­tö­nen, Jyväs­kylä

Sign up for candi­dacy in munici­pal elec­tion 2021:

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