In a Coalition municipality, the heart beats on the right
All political parties want good. Who would intentionally want to replace wellbeing with distress?
We all agree that it is good for children to attend school. That a person with a memory disorder should be provided with help, and care can be accessed from the healthcare centre queues. Few people disagree on the fact that there should be snow during future winters. Or that it must be safe on the streets.
Thus, aiming for good is a common factor. Significant differences can be found in methods, or more often, in the lack of them.
The key to a solution is not about having the courage to reach deep into a shared chest. More so, that work is done so that more of the chest shines than just the brass base.
Therefore, the question is: who can handle our matters in such a way that common good increases, joint funds are sufficient, and services are functional.
First, you have to make something to share, and only then can it be shared. An empty fridge will remain empty even if the door is opened from morning to evening.
An unfortunate number of political parties do not give enough recognition to the fact that municipalities will shrivel without a functional economy. They will lose life, jobs and services. The problem cannot be solved by increasingly sharing from a decreasing amount. Or by continually increasing taxes. It must be remembered that, in the end, municipalities use the funds of the municipal residents.
Without a sustainable economy, we would not have the world’s best education system, a functional healthcare system or good public transport. Without people and companies that truly work, innovate and leap into the uncertainty or reach for the stars, we would not have asphalt on the roads, mobile libraries or festivals.
The formula is quite simple: when people have the resources for a good life in a municipality, its heart continues to beat, the economy is in good shape, and work and jobs are created. This in turn accumulates something to share, and services can be maintained; safety, comfort, the environment and hobby opportunities can be ensured.
Coalitionism is the most humane form of politics. It does not only offer pretty words and aim for good, but it also takes action and creates good.
Therefore, the heart beats on the right.
We say yes to a robust municipal economy, the purchasing power of people, the success of companies and sustainable development
No-one else will make a residential municipality a better place than the residents and companies of the municipality themselves. The opportunities are in our own hands.
Reform starts with saying yes more often.
Yes to new ideas and investments. Yes to entrepreneurship, new jobs and the vitality provided by them.
We don’t ask how matters can be prevented, but instead how they can be enabled. Municipal vitality is not formed in the central government, but instead, it starts from local companies and associations - people’s own actions.
The National Coalition Party ensures that the municipality does not take the path of atrophy. We work hard to ensure that work, entrepreneurship and investments in the municipality’s future are worthwhile. We are a partner and guarantee for safeguarding the municipality’s future.
In the end, it is always a question of having first to create wellbeing before it can be shared. For this very reason, the heart beats on the right.
The municipal economy must be treated in the same way as personal finances. Debts must be paid, you can’t spend more than you earn, you have to save up for a rainy day, and it is worth investing in the future. We disapprove of poor finance management, where there is no intervention for problems, and improvements are not made.
Therefore, if - and unfortunately, more often, when - money is tight, we find a solution to change the direction. The primary financial adaption method must not be to reach into the purses of municipal residents. We are against municipal tax increases. Employment taxation is already at a staggering level in Finland. It cannot be stretched any more. Instead, services must be produced smarter and more effectively.
According to the National Coalition Party, people must be allowed, as far as possible, to decide for themselves how they use their own money. We aim to ensure that the municipal tax is not increased in Finnish municipalities during the delegation period. Municipalities’ hidden taxation and the increase in living costs must also be controlled. The annual rise in waste fees, electricity transmission fees, water fees or other payments must not be a method for patching up a municipality’s weak financial situation. First of all, everything possible must be done to improve productivity and competition.
Companies create work and wellbeing. The National Coalition Party is Finland’s most entrepreneur-friendly party. We wish to make all municipalities entrepreneur-friendly. Municipalities’ primary duty is to offer good prerequisites for entrepreneurship.
A municipality does not just need to be a bystander and observe how the companies are managing. With its actions, it can influence how companies succeed. Whenever a municipality makes decisions, we want the effects the decision has on entrepreneurs to be assessed. When a municipality offers services, it must listen to companies: If a company is able to prove that it can produce the service arranged by the municipality at a higher quality or more affordably, the production of the service must be tendered.
We want SMEs also to have the opportunity to participate in tenders. Tenders must be divided into suitable components. The operations of municipal companies must be limited, excluding strategic operations, to areas where there isn’t a functional market.
More work is obtained when a job seeker finds someone offering work. The municipalities must help individuals that find it challenging to be employed for one reason or another. Unemployed individuals should not be sent around from one desk to another, but instead, the municipality must take genuinely meaningful action. This is only possible when there are close connections to companies and educational institutes, and companies participate in solving problems.
Planning must ensure that the municipality has opportunities for various forms of housing and leisure time as well as a constant and sufficient number of business plots. In planning, we believe in diversity and market-based housing production. We rely on people generally acting wisely without strict and detailed standardisation.
Town planning must not be hindered by bureaucracy. A processing time guarantee must be regulated for authorities’ permit processes. If a permit applied for by a municipal resident or company is not processed within the given time frame, and there is no clear legal aspect preventing the issuance of the permit, it is issued automatically. The dissolving of standards must also be initiated in municipalities.
The National Coalition Party also says yes when seeking bold solutions to our time’s most challenging problems. Climate change is a global issue, but concrete actions are often carried out locally in municipalities and cities. The National Coalition Party wants nature to remain clean and diverse for future generations. The oil heating of local schools is replaced with geothermal heating. Coal burning is replaced with low-emission forms of energy. New ideas are implemented in waste recycling. Traffic emissions are reduced smartly and effectively. Wastewater and stormwater are treated in an even better way.
We believe that education carries us forward: fundamental issues are shaped out, a stop to isolation and bullying
As stated by President Barack Obama, even the poorest Finnish child attends the world’s best school. There is a reason us Finns are proud of our schools. High-quality education requires sufficient resources. These resources are only ensured by a functional economy. Therefore, the heart beats on the right in this case too.
The heart beating on the right has always beat for education. We believe that with the power of education, individuals have the capacity to change their lives and the entire world. Education, which recognises an individual’s strengths and makes them blossom, provides a good foundation for living in a changing world.
We want more school in schools. This does not mean going back in time but strengthening the aspects of schools that are good. It is a question of the very fundamentals: more time, i.e. lessons, professionals that enjoy appreciation and more studious pupils, and a school where no-one needs to fear. We demand school premises be healthy and safe.
Our aim is that the municipality can offer more weekly hours than required by the national minimum. This way pupils can be provided, for example, with a wide selection of languages and optional subjects. Lessons can also be added to a subject that is already being taught, such as Finnish as a first language, mathematics or physical education. Sufficient teacher resources will safeguard the timely low threshold learning support for individuals who need it.
We trust teachers. We believe that influential work can only be carried out in schools if the teachers have the opportunity and freedom to focus on good teaching. In schools, pupils must be able to learn, and teachers able to teach - without fear or worries. We want to do everything possible to eliminate bullying in schools. Every case of bullying requires intervention, and if necessary, further management.
The problem concerning school dropouts and isolation is still unsolved. The government’s project to expand compulsory education will not rectify these issues. The National Coalition Party does not believe in force. A pupil forced to attend will not stay in school. The National Coalition Party wants to ensure that every young person has good basic skills, such as reading, calculation and social skills, after comprehensive school.
In our opinion, support and help must be targeted to pupils that need it. Extending compulsory education risks funds being cut from educational contents and pupils’ personal support.
After comprehensive school, each individual must find their own path, whether it is an academic degree or practical work as a professional. The National Coalition Party believes the collaboration of different entities. For companies to have a sufficient number of skilled professionals, and on the other hand, for hard-working people to have jobs, dialogue between the different operators of a region is required.
In 2006, Finland was a clear number one in the ranking of international PISA results. We were the world’s best in natural sciences and mathematics, second-best in literacy. We continue to be among the best in the world, but not the best. The trend has been declining throughout the past decade.
The National Coalition Party wants Finland to regain its top rank in learning results. We want to end the declining trend, get the weaker performing individuals on board, and ensure that all young people’s personal skills are recognised.
We strongly believe that the foundation for skills is created already in childhood. Children’s attendance in early childhood education should be brought to a Scandinavian level. It is easier to strengthen skills as a child than overcome shortcomings as an adult.
In 2021, a two-year pre-schooling pilot will begin, and approximately 10,000 children will participate in it. Curricula will be prepared for pre-schooling, aiming to strengthen the children’s skills in an age-appropriate manner. We would implement pre-schooling on a two-year basis for everyone in Finland so that everyone would have sufficient skills when starting school.
We want people to move from queues to care; we believe in municipalities and people’s freedom of choice, we object provincial administration
Provincial bureaucracy does not cure anyone. Goodwill does not eliminate homelessness. Nice speeches will not reduce the need for child protection services. Declarations will not increase the number of nurses. The most humane form of politics is such that it not only speaks about good but also implements good. Therefore, the heart beats on the right.
At the National Coalition Party, we want to make services more efficient. For us, the most crucial aspect is that each individual has access to necessary help, is well and can influence their own lives. Therefore, we believe in complete freedom of choice. For us, the most important point is not whether a public organisation or company produces the services but whether the services are accessible.
We will improve access to care and increase the freedom of choice by introducing a more comprehensive and compulsory service voucher and a personal budget for disabled individuals. We will actively implement digital services and good practices observed in municipalities, which will improve productivity. Our heart does not beat for bureaucracy but for healthy and affluent people.
The National Coalition Party wants to rectify the problems of social and healthcare services based on the current system without provinces. The provincial model only brings about more problems. We strongly object the provincial tax because it would also increase employment taxation.
Municipalities and collaboration between municipalities is the best way to organise services in the future too.When municipalities collaborate, services can be arranged with a sufficiently large population base, in an efficient and high-quality manner and in such a way that the decision-making power remains in local hands.
The government’s provincial model creates a new form of regional income redistribution, increases taxation, and takes services further away from the people. The provincial model increases bureaucracy and moves the decision-making power away from the municipal and city councils to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. It demolishes the cities’ ability to invest in the future, such as in schools, infrastructure or leisure services.
Instead of queueing, people need to be able to access care. We would reduce the health care guarantee from three months to one month in health centres and mental health services. We would halve the health care guarantee from six months to three months in hospital care and oral healthcare initiation. Access to care must be made available within a month, preferably even quicker. If a service is not available within the time frame, the customer must be provided with a service voucher, which can be used to choose where they wish to seek their care. When care is accessed at an early stage, the need for more consuming services reduces.
We would develop digital social and health services. We want an application that will also allow dentist appointments to be made in the public sector, doctors’ appointments to be attended remotely or laboratory test results to be received to mobile phones.
Prevention and early intervention are the best social services. Every person who accesses help in a sufficiently early stage is a human and financial win.
Children particularly must be protected and helped before the problems become more complex or serious. A child and family must have access to help as soon as there is a need. The world’s best prenatal system gives the opportunity to encounter every child and family regularly. Family services must be subject to a low threshold, and open care must have sufficient resources. In addition to the municipalities’ solutions, legislation must ensure child protection services have the authorisations to carry out their work. Child protection institutes must be able to set sufficient restrictions for young people.
We will also make the therapy guarantee a reality. Anyone with mental health problems must receive appropriate care and therapy at an early stage, before any serious problems.
A person’s mental health and social capital do not disappear when they retire. Seniors are active operators, not just service users. In many municipalities, seniors are a carrying force in, for example, volunteering work or large consumers of culture. In a lively Coalition municipality, seniors have various hobby and entertainment activities - it keeps loneliness at bay. It is vital to seniors too that the municipal tax and service fees remain reasonable, leaving money to spend on other things.
The Coalition heart beats for the elderly - life can be rich and balanced to the very end. The capacity of seniors should be supported in every way. Living at home is humane and wise when coping at home is possible, and it is a personal wish. We want to put effort into there being as many healthy years of life as possible, and that coping at home is achieved as well as possible. Carers - those who care for others - must be supported with, for example, a sufficient number of days off.
Rehabilitation is not spoken about enough in Finland. Falling over once must not mean that you can never get up again by yourself. In a Coalition municipality, there are places where mobility and muscle fitness can be cherished together with others - sports parks and illuminated jogging paths. Preventative exercise is an excellent way to increase healthy years of life. Simultaneously, the need for more demanding services for the elderly is reduced.
Nothing can replace a human gaze, the touch of a hand. In home care, we favour permanent care relationships. It is important that the same carer can visit the person as often as possible. In 24-hour service housing, humanity can refer to, for example, a home-like environment. When there are wishes to stroll to the park to hear the magpie’s first song of the spring, this wish must not be unfulfilled just because there was no-one to accompany the person.
The quality of elderly services must be continuously monitored. We would increase the number of unannounced inspection visits at both private and public sector care homes.
Social and health services would not run even for a day without skilled and committed staff. We would increase the number of admissions to social and health study programmes. We would ensure the opportunity for sufficient follow-up training to social and health sector professionals. We would put effort into good leadership. Good management ensures that staff can focus on work that matches their skills.
A home must be found for all homeless people. Our method for this is to direct publicly subsidised rental apartments more strongly to homeless people and strengthen social work. Our objective is to eliminate homelessness in Finland during the next delegation period.
For us, small issues are large issues: we will get nature trails, swimming halls and summer theatres in shape
Some people focus on complaining about everything that is wrong. And then some take action and get things done. To us in the National Coalition Party, small and large functional issues are a guarantee of effortless everyday life. It is a matter of the heart for us to grab the bull by the horns and rectify any defects. The heart genuinely seems to beat on the right.
What truly makes life functional? An illuminated jogging path? Timely bus schedules? A child’s day-care that is close to home? The rocky terrains of the local forest? The extended opening hours of the swimming hall? A chat-based appointment booking service for a dental check-up? Convenient diagonal parking places near the local shops? A safe commute to school?
Everyday life functionality often refers to surprisingly minor issues. They also vary according to where you live. Everyday life functionality looks different in different areas of the country and even on different sides of a city. Every Finnish municipality’s objective should be to ensure that our everyday life functions in the world’s best way.
In a good municipality, stations, streets and parks are safe for everyone, at any time of the day. Urban planning must pay even more attention to everyday life safety: sufficient lighting, safe pedestrian crossings and the reduction of unhealthy differentiation. Work prerequisites for the municipality’s own safety operators in rescue services and primary care must be in place. Municipalities must undergo active dialogue with the police and other safety authorities. Silent and alarming signals need to be addressed quickly.
The freedom of movement is a fundamental human right. People move because it is fun and beneficial - to work, hobbies, day-care, school or to visit relatives for example. Moving around in every municipality should be effortless. A private car is a necessity for most Finns. Well-functioning public transport, as well as good walking and cycling prerequisites are needed. This way, the attractiveness of the areas will also increase. Future transportation must consolidate lower emissions and effortless movement. A sensible objective is not to reduce movement or driving, but to reduce emissions. We are not in favour of road tolls, which would be applied on top of the already high taxes Finns pay.
In a Coalition municipality, life is active. People move around and have hobbies. The municipality offers the frameworks: jogging paths, ski tracks, ice holes and nature trails. And preferably, in active and open cooperation with clubs and associations.
Life happens in a municipality. People convene at the town hall not just because they are requested, and voluntary activities are active. Every child is guaranteed a hobby with the hobby guarantee. In cities, culture is visible in both high-quality cultural institutes and the cityscape. The design of new areas and buildings must consider art that delights the municipal residents from the very beginning.
It is a question of will and capacity. It is a question of the municipal decision-makers’ and officials’ determination and well-functioning systems. We promise that we are interested and that it will lead to actions. We want municipalities to learn to operate in the changing world. It is not enough for bulletins of decisions to be published online and attached to the municipal noticeboard. Every municipality must have a genuinely functional feedback system. This increases capacity to solve every day problems in the municipality. If a bulb has burnt out, it is replaced. If the rubbish bin is full, it is emptied. A good municipality lives the everyday life of people, reacts to problems and solves them.
The Board of the National Coalition Party has approved this municipal election programme. It outlines the National Coalition Party’s points of emphasis for the municipal elections and its opinions on the key municipal politics’ and national politics’ issues concerning municipalities. Thus, it answers what the National Coalition Party finds particularly important right now, in these municipal elections. At its Party meeting in the autumn of 2020, the National Coalition Party has approved a comprehensive objectives programme that outlines the Party’s opinions on various political sector issues. The objectives programme outlines can be found here: https://www.kokoomus.fi/kokoomus-k62020/