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No welfare without healthy common sense

That famous Finnish common sense is needed now, if ever. Why? Because the county elec­tions concern the natio­nal economy, health, and safety - such vital matters that this ever-lasting healt­h­care and social welfare mess is somet­hing to be asha­med about. No party deser­ves style points for this. We don’t either. 

The Govern­ment has deci­ded to “solve” the problem by buil­ding a new, regi­o­nal layer of admi­nist­ra­tion. Whet­her it will incre­ase care and secu­rity, that is still unknown. The only thing that seems thre­a­te­ningly obvious is that bureaucracy and costs will get out of hand. In other words, services will not be closer, queues will not be shor­ter, and the elderly will not be getting more of the care they need.

Every right-minded Finn understands that no one will be cured, and fire safety will not be strengthened by incre­a­sing bureaucracy and forms. 

There­fore, common sense is needed. Common sense has been a Finnish resource throug­hout time, and it works at all times. It does not have a geograp­hi­cal address or postal code. It provi­des a glimpse of understan­ding where gibbe­rish has taken power. At its best, it exceeds regi­o­nal borders at the speed of light. It loves solu­tions and hates vanity and pompo­sity. 

If you beli­eve in Finnish common sense, vote for the Natio­nal Coali­tion Party. We want care and secu­rity to be incre­a­sed and unne­ces­sary admi­nist­ra­tion to be redu­ced, regard­less of the number of layers. For us, the most impor­tant aspect is that, instead of the machi­nery, people, custo­mers, and profes­sio­nals retain their working capa­city and are well.  

There­fore, the heart is on the right - in the county elec­tions too. 

THE OBJECTIVE OF THE NATIONAL COALITION PARTY is to make Finland a place where people are well. We want people to have easy access to care and that the limi­ted resour­ces are suffi­ci­ent for the service needs of the ageing popu­la­tion. To achi­eve the objective, the social welfare, healt­h­care, and rescue services must seam­lessly work toget­her. 

FOR US, IT IS IMPORTANT that users of healt­h­care and social welfare services have an oppor­tu­nity to influ­ence their services. It is impor­tant for the Natio­nal Coali­tion Party that people have access to services when they need them. It is not signi­fi­cant whet­her the services are produ­ced by a welfare area, a company or entre­pre­neur, or a healt­h­care and social welfare services orga­ni­sa­tion. 

FUNCTIONAL SERVICES are the result of colla­bo­ra­tion between skil­led and healthy person­nel. There­fore, welfare areas must place effort in occu­pa­tio­nal well-being. For example, good leaders­hip and new opera­ting methods can improve both employees’ well-being and the quality of services. 

A VOTE FOR THE NATIONAL COALITION PARTY is a vote for sustai­nable econo­mic mana­ge­ment in these elec­tions too. We do not want the poorly mana­ged economy of welfare areas to cause Finnish services to suffer, the tax burden to grow, or the Govern­men­t’s indeb­ted­ness to acce­le­rate. The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party says no to provin­cial tax because it would unavo­i­dably lead to higher taxa­tion on Finnish work.

WITHOUT SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY, we would not have the newest incu­ba­tors for prema­ture babies, the world’s leading cancer treat­ment or free dental care for all child­ren and adole­scents. When the economy is in order, and people have work, there is also enough money for services that are impor­tant to all of us. 

1. Vote for shor­ter queues, not for heavier admi­nist­ra­tion models.

In our opinion, the most impor­tant objective for refor­ming the healt­h­care and social welfare services is to get people from queues to care more quickly. 

Every Finn should be able to rely on the fact that neces­sary help, care, and treat­ment is avai­lable in both natio­nal langu­a­ges when they are needed. The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party wishes to particu­larly empha­sise preven­ta­tive services because the sooner problems are sorted, more humane and econo­mic expen­ses are suffi­ci­ent. In addi­tion to preven­tion, an impor­tant part of the entity is reha­bi­li­ta­tion and health promo­tion at one’s own initi­a­tive, such as adequate exer­cise. It must be easy and effort­less to access services.

The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party would reform services for the 21st century by furt­her utili­sing current know­ledge, tech­no­logy, and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Infor­ma­tion must easily move within and between systems. We must learn from previous, often poorly success­ful, infor­ma­tion system projects.  

Digi­tal and mobile services are a way of signi­fi­cantly impro­ving access to care. For example, remote doctor and nurse recep­tions can faci­li­tate pati­ents’ everyday lives, reduce costs, and incre­ase equa­lity among people. Particu­lar atten­tion should be paid to infor­ma­tion secu­rity when deve­lo­ping welfare areas’ infor­ma­tion systems.

Procee­ding with these methods:

  1. Improve avai­la­bi­lity of services and faci­li­tate access to care by, for example, intro­du­cing remote recep­tions of healt­h­care and social welfare service centres in all welfare areas.
  2. Improve access to mental health services nationwide by imple­men­ting a statu­tory therapy guaran­tee. 
  3. Ensure suffi­ci­ent support services for fami­lies with child­ren to faci­li­tate their everyday lives and prevent the need for more intense child protec­tion services.
  4. Place an effort on the quality of home care, shel­te­red housing and 24h care. Effecti­vely inter­vene in viola­tions and other faults in services.
  5. Conti­nue to main­tain pupil welfare services’ psycho­lo­gist and cura­tor services close in the everyday life of child­ren and adole­scents. Also recog­nise students as a custo­mer group of welfare areas.
  6. Improve the posi­tion of care­gi­vers and support their coping. Offer suffi­ci­ent support and services to those living at home, for example, with service vouchers.
  7. From the very begin­ning, services must be deve­lo­ped to be acces­sible and understan­dable as well as, for example, acces­sible to vision and hearing-impai­red people and by consi­de­ring the unique needs of elderly people.
  8. Ensure that help is avai­lable at a low thres­hold to people with addic­tions, such as people suffe­ring from substance abuse and gambling problems.

2. Vote for a person, not a form.

We want users of healt­h­care and social welfare services to have even more oppor­tu­ni­ties in the future to influ­ence the services through free­dom of choice. 

If neces­sary, it must be possible to choose a diffe­rent service provi­der if the services do not work for one reason or anot­her. People’s possi­bi­lity to choose their own service provi­der will encou­rage welfare areas to orga­nise services in a high quality and acces­sible manner. New inno­va­tions of better-opera­ting methods are formed when there is pressure to deve­lop them. The conti­nu­ous deve­lop­ment of services is, above all, an advan­tage for service users.

The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party trusts that the best result is achi­e­ved with seam­less colla­bo­ra­tion between the welfare area, compa­nies, and orga­ni­sa­tions. The entity produ­cing the services is not signi­fi­cant. For the Natio­nal Coali­tion Party, the most impor­tant thing is that services are avai­lable whene­ver they are needed. 

This is how it is achi­e­ved:

  1. Promote people’s genu­ine oppor­tu­nity to choose in healt­h­care and social welfare services. At the same time, the oppor­tu­ni­ties to safe­gu­ard local services will strengthen.
  2. Give people the oppor­tu­nity to influ­ence their services by, for example, exten­ding the use of service vouchers and deve­lo­ping the Kela compen­sa­tion of private medi­cal care. The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party disap­pro­ves of the reduc­tion of Kela compen­sa­tion.
  3. For example, in the services for disabled and elderly people, utilise a so-called perso­nal budget, which the custo­mer can use within agreed boundary condi­tions for acqui­ring services that promote func­tio­nal capa­city and faci­li­tate everyday life. 
  4. Moni­tor the quality of services regard­less of the provi­der. Effecti­vely inter­vene in obser­ved faults.

3. Vote for action, not bureaucracy

Few Finns are regu­lar custo­mers of rescue services, but every­one appre­ci­a­tes that emer­gency medi­cal and rescue services are quickly and profes­sio­nally avai­lable when they are needed. Profes­sio­nals of the rescue services are often the first to encoun­ter people who need urgent assistance. 

It is impor­tant to us that, when deve­lo­ping welfare areas, the posi­tion of rescue services is strong, and they are not side-lined by healt­h­care and social welfare services when deve­lo­ping welfare areas. Rescue services must be conti­nued to be produ­ced in a high quality and consi­stent manner throug­hout Finland. The opera­tio­nal readi­ness of rescue services and assistance must be ensu­red both in cities and rural areas. 

We promise to ensure that the resour­ces of rescue services will conti­nue to remain suffi­ci­ent. It is crucial to the Natio­nal Coali­tion Party that rescue services do not become a sepa­rate func­tion within the orga­ni­sa­tion of a welfare area. The colla­bo­ra­tion of rescue and emer­gency medi­cal services must be utili­sed to its full capa­city. 

What if we did as follows:

  1. With suffi­ci­ent funding, trai­ning, and person­nel resour­ces, ensure that rescue and emer­gency medi­cal services are avai­lable throug­hout Finland quickly and consi­stently. 
  2. Produce rescue services in a high quality and cost-effective manner while ensu­ring the skills and safety of profes­sio­nals.
  3. Deepen the colla­bo­ra­tion of healt­h­care and social welfare services and rescue services so that the services operate seam­lessly for the custo­mer. 
  4. Safe­gu­ard the funding and opera­ting requi­re­ments of contract fire depart­ments in the welfare areas to be established. 
  5. Ensure the welfare areas’ possi­bi­lity to anti­ci­pate and prepare for distur­ban­ces and excep­tio­nal condi­tions toget­her with other autho­ri­ties.

4. In favour of a sustai­nable economy, against waste­ful spen­ding.

The Natio­nal Coali­tion Party wants services to be produ­ced in a high-quality manner while also being cost-effective so that there are enough for every­one in need. 

Taxes cannot be incre­a­sed inde­fi­ni­tely. There­fore, deci­sion-making requires deci­sion-makers who can reform opera­ting methods in order to make a limi­ted amount of money achi­eve more and better. 

Healthy compe­ti­tion between service provi­ders is a method for impro­ving quality and cost-effi­ci­ency in healt­h­care and social welfare services. There­fore, the establish­ment of fair compe­ti­tion and func­tio­nal markets must be promo­ted in welfare areas. Procu­re­ments must be imple­men­ted so that smal­ler compa­nies also have the oppor­tu­nity to parti­ci­pate in tenders. At the same time, it must be ensu­red that suffi­ci­ent procu­re­ment skills are avai­lable in the areas.

We do not want Finnish taxa­tion to incre­ase due to the poor econo­mic mana­ge­ment of welfare areas. We say no to provin­cial tax because it would unavo­i­dably lead to higher work taxa­tion.

We propose the following:

  1. Ensure sustai­nable econo­mic mana­ge­ment in welfare areas, too, so that the Govern­men­t’s indeb­ted­ness can be redu­ced and tax incre­a­ses can be avoi­ded.
  2. Utilise compa­nies and orga­ni­sa­tions in the services of a welfare area to improve quality and cost-effi­ci­ency in actual healt­h­care and social welfare services and support opera­tions, such as faci­lity, meal and clea­ning services. 
  3. Deve­lop welfare areas in such a way that resour­ces are targe­ted even better to services rather than admi­nist­ra­tion.
  4. Require full trans­pa­rency and open­ness of expen­ses in all welfare areas. In this way, the best and most result­ful opera­ting models can be quickly intro­du­ced.
  5. Give up the prepa­ra­tions of a provin­cial tax because, accor­ding to experts, its intro­duc­tion would likely lead to an incre­ase in work taxa­tion.

5. Who will be healthy if the person­nel are not healthy?

We want social welfare, health, and rescue service profes­sio­nals to cope and enjoy their work. The requi­re­ment for services produ­ced in a high-quality manner is healthy person­nel, which is suffi­ci­ent to carry out the requi­red duties. An impor­tant part of success­ful services is genu­ine and caring encoun­ters between service users and profes­sio­nals. 

The most impor­tant prerequi­si­tes of occu­pa­tio­nal well-being are good leaders­hip and precise opera­ting models, which person­nel also have the possi­bi­lity to influ­ence. Leaders­hip must be based on current know­ledge and sector exper­tise. Healthy and moti­va­ted person­nel will carry out their duties better, and this will also be visible in the services’ quality and results. 

For occu­pa­tio­nal well-being and the preven­tion of unne­ces­sary stress, it is impor­tant that every worker can focus as much as possible on work duties that corre­spond to their skills. It is also essen­tial that super­vi­sors and colle­a­gues provide support to succeed in work duties.

Would it work in this way:

  1. Focus on good leaders­hip, the deve­lop­ment of opera­ting methods, and the payroll syste­m’s encou­ra­ge­ment to improve person­nel’s occu­pa­tio­nal well-being and work comfort. Person­nel must be awar­ded for good perfor­mance to deve­lop both them­sel­ves and the work envi­ron­ment.
  2. Ensure that the welfare area’s employees can focus on work duties that corre­spond to their skills. If neces­sary, review personnel’s work distri­bu­tion.
  3. Particu­larly strengthen the attracti­ve­ness of the healt­h­care and social welfare sector by, for example, deve­lo­ping trai­ning and career paths and incre­a­sing the amount of healt­h­care sector trai­ning. 
  4. Offer person­nel oppor­tu­ni­ties for suffi­ci­ent follow-up and supple­men­tary trai­ning. 
  5. Also, recruit quali­fied healt­h­care and social welfare workers from abroad. Ensure that they have suffi­ci­ent lingu­istic profi­ci­ency and Finnish work practice skills. Ensure that the most suitable indi­vi­du­als are always selec­ted for the healt­h­care, social welfare, and rescue service sector.

Common sense has been a Finnish resource throug­hout time, and it works at all times. It does not have a geograp­hi­cal address or postal code. At its best, it exceeds regi­o­nal borders at the speed of light. It loves solu­tions and hates vanity and pompo­sity. It does not beli­eve that a new layer of admi­nist­ra­tion or any other walls will cure anyone. It knows that queues will not shor­ten with forms. 

Matters tend to be solved with common sense; many subjects of fuss will not be fussed over. Func­tio­nal care and secu­rity require more understan­ding and heart than poli­ti­cal bureaucracy.

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